If you love tea and ice cream, this recipe is just for you. As a base, we used our Masala Chai mixture, which will add spice to the cold dessert!
What ingredients are needed to prepare tea ice cream?
- 6 bags of Basilur Masala Chai tea
- 2 cups of thick cream
- 1 cup of milk
- 4 egg yolks
- ¼ cup of sugar

How to make ice cream with Masala Chai tea?
- Place the cream and milk in a saucepan . Heat the mixture over medium heat , but turn off the heat and set the pot aside before it boils .
- Add the tea bags and leave to steep for about 35 minutes. *
- After brewing, throw away the tea bags .
- In a small bowl , mix the egg yolks and sugar .
- Reheat the milk and cream mixture, then add the egg yolk and sugar mixture. Remember to mix!
- Once everything is mixed well, heat for about 5 minutes . Stir occasionally until the mixture looks like a cream.
- Pour the mixture into a clean bowl and place it over a larger bowl filled with ice . This will cool the mixture.
- Once cool, place the bowl in the refrigerator for about 2 hours or until completely chilled.
- Then put the mixture into a package and put it in the freezer . Leave the ice cream in it for 4-6 hours or until it freezes.
*We know that 35 minutes seems like a long time compared to how long you soak the bag while brewing tea. However, when combined with milk and cream, the flavor of Masala Chai will lose its intensity, so you need to prepare a very strong infusion.